March 31, 2009

My first area--Cancun!!

Please forward this to everyone in the family, por favor!

Hola Familia!

oh man where to start...

The best way that I can explain my experiences here in Cancun is this.

Imagine me as a four year old. I can barely speak, cant feed myself properly, and do that same awkward smile thing when they dont understand whats going on.

Now imagine Cancun as a city FULL of Grandmas. honestly I have never met a group of better people in my life. They are always smiling, always willing to help. Everyone is very kind. Everything that we eat or drink comes from someone else. One lady emptied half her fridge for us. The people are awsome. They are my people!

so pretty much always an adventure here in cancun. the weather is perfect, 70-75 with a slight breeze. there is garbage everywhere tho, and for some reason a ton of rocks! no idea why. another cool thing is there are always cute packs of dogs that wander around. ha ha its sad and funny at the same time.

so some funny culture things that have happened

my first day my companion noticed my lips were a little blistered, and for the rest of the day kept telling me to put lipstick on. I had no idea what he was talking about. hahahha, he was trying to say chapstick but it came out lipstick. hahaha, fun times

another funny thing is they all have cabel, and you know the show Pinky and the Brain? they call it pinky and the Bryan! hahahhaha laughed so hard

washed my clothes in a bucket today, that was really fun!

believe it or not I thought I would get FRIED! but I havent, i just keep getting darker and darker.

so the food is pretty good, however the other day there was this orange putting stuff I thought was papaya...turns it out it was heated cream of carrot. where in the world did they get a carrot!? uhhh...i wanted to puke...

wish granted!

the next morning I was curled over the toilet barking out what little food I had. it was great tho because I felt better. for some reason since i have been here i have constant nausia, like car sickness. crazy no? maybe i´m about to give birth to a tape worm or something.

hahha, so I say si a lot because I dont really know whats going on, and I trust the opinions of those who i talk to here. so one day we went to a meeting at the church, and I thought it was ward council...and we sang a song, I sat down and they started singing again! and again! and again! and i´m like yes its a good song, lets get on to the meeting. but no, we kept on singing.

turns out it was choir practice! hahaha, but that is not the funny part
the next sunday I had unknowingly agreed to sing a duet! hahahah, aw the memories.

love my hamaka

so one of our investigators got baptized this week! our zone leader is really really animated and excited about everything. he interviews him, brian is nine, and comes out and said EVERYONE! Brian is going to be baptized! and everyone claps, and then he says, he will be baptized by Elder Terry! I was like uhhh....the baptism was in a few hours, and I had no idea what to say. Memorized the prayer. he was afraid of the water, and when we were in the water and after the prayer...I was nervous and I dont think I gave him enough time to cover his mouth or nose...and worse he started to come up so I hurried and thought ok he only has to do this once, so I "gently" pushed him under more. sad, but great experience.

3 of our investigators have commited to be baptized!

language is doing good, everything is doing good. every day I want to throw up hahaha, but other than that i am great.

Love you all and hope everyone is doing well! dont have to much fun without me!

The church is true! always remember that!

Elder Terry

March 30, 2009

Good Timber

Good Timber

The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king
But lived and died a scrubby thing.

The man who never had to toil
To gain and farm his patch of soil,
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began.

Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees,
The further sky, the greater length,
The more the storm the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.

Where thickest lies the forest growth
We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife.
This is the common law of life.

by Douglas Malloch

March 26, 2009

I'm in Mexico!

Hola! Im writing this from Mexico! Mexico is super sweet, the part that I
arrived to and am at is sooo nice. If you ever have the chance to go to
Merida, (or cancun) I highly recomend it.

Something really wierd tho that I didnt expect is EVERYONE drives really
really nice cars. like 2000-2009. and they are all spotless. another
crazy thing is they go very very very fast in their cars. the driving is
crazy. I got so car sick on the way back from the aiport. the speed limit
for a street in Layton or Syracuse might be 40, here its 60. we break if
we´re about to hit someone, here they speed up in the other direction. I
guess its working for them tho because It doesn´t seem like they get in to
many accidents.

So yeah my first area that I am serving in is Cancun! Nuts huh? It is
great so far. We have a new house, kinda new, super dirty tho. We dont
even have enough money to by a mop or anything to clean it out. Its two
rooms (probably for another companionship) and a bathroom. the toilet
doesnt have a cover! No idea how i´m not going to fall in. there is
nothing in it so far, and we dont have the money to buy things like mops,
brooms, or other stuff that we need. oh well.

I sleep in a hamaca! I love it, it took a while to get used to but once you
do its the best nights sleep. I always thought that you lay in it so that
your back is kind of bent, but that is not how we do it here! What I do is
I lay in it almost diagonal, and spread out. Its awsome because you get
rocked to sleep. ha ha ha.

Another cool thing is my first day I bathed myself with a bucket! ha ha,
filled it up with water, got a cup and just washed myself off. it felt
great, it was so refreshing! Just sang a little song.

The bus ride from Merida to Cancun was a long one, we left from like 3 and
got there about eight thirty.

I thought I was only going to get breakfast yesterday, but some really nice
kids brought over a taco to us last night. Their mom works at a taco stand
and they gave us some food. It was a great tender mercy. I was good for
not having much food that day but the Lord provided us some. It was great.

My mission president is a very very nice guy, probably one of the nicest
and most humble people I have ever met. I guess he started his own medicin
company in Mexico City.

When we first got here they gave us a talk on how we are going to get really
really sick, either from the water, parasites, or not drinking water. ha ha
ha, welcome to Mexico! gave us some suggestions on what to do when that
happens. mainly pray, repent, or tough it out. they say get a water, put
some salt and sugar in it and take little sips of that (trying to recreate

It is so pretty here.

The food is honestly some of the best food ever, so far so good with that!
The two boys brought over some melon jugo (water melon juice) that was very

My new companion is really nice and helps me out a ton! His name is Elder
Jaime (hi-meh) I am his first trainee so he calls me his firstborn :D ha
ha ha, he is great I love him.

so far so good! Hope everything is going well with you guys!

Spence will you please forward this to the rest of the family?

Love all of you!

March 24, 2009

Off to Mexico! from Elder Terry

Hey family!

So I leave to Mexico on Monday! Time flies eh?

So they give me a phone call during our layover to call our familes, for about 30 min. Monday at about 12:00 your time. Spencer I don't know if there is anyway that you can conference call it? Have it so the whole family can join in? If you can that would be great!

I only know Dad's or Mom's number if that helps. sorry that there is not much more to go off of.

Things are going great here! Nothing really to new. Spanish is going well and just working on a few things to get ready for when I leave.

Will someone please tell mom NOT TO COME TO THE AIRPORT. Thanks! :)

Paul and Jue congrats on your BABY! :) he is super cute! ha ha, another mellow baby? Lucky! Super excited to meet him. Got a few pictures of Madi that were way cute.

Dana and Jon and family! Hope everything is going well with you! Trev you really are a mini Ty! loved the hair cut tho. Tal I got a few pictures of you that are way fun! Ty how is life going with you? have you done your talk yet?!!

I think the CD thing is by far the best way to send pictures so that way it is possible to print them out. We get 40 percent off here so one picture costs like 5 cents. Very nice.

Gah nothing really new here. We are just excited to leave!

We get to go to the temple dedication on Sunday, that'll be fun!

Love you all!

Elder Terry

March 14, 2009

Hola hermana!

Pahahahahaha...that silly face was the best! Awwww I miss Madi! She is so cute, its hard to believe she is two! Good work with the pictures Jue :) Love ya!

Crazy! Make sure you send me pictures. If he comes within the next week you NEED to send me a CD with his pictures on it so I can print them out and take them with me :)

Sooo cute. ha ha ha I miss cute little Madi :( How is she doing?

I've heard good things from my friends about your Blog! Thanks so much. Wish you the best! Tell Paul and Madi hi for me!

Hola hermana!

Hi Dana!

We haven't had a chance to have a good ol fashion talk in a while. I miss thos!

Thank you so much for sending your quotes and letters! I live for them! There is nothing better to end the day and read some letters.

So sense being here I have really learned a lot about life.

The biggest part is that being happy is a choice, I've always known that but knowing it and acting on it are two different monkeys.

Lots of cool stories to tell. One of my investigators from the referal center decided to get baptized! Cool huh?! Starting off my trip to Mexico right! I love her she is super funny and was just ready.

I am sending your family letters!

Its amazing how the spirit works here. For example while I was praying for my district then I knew that I had to tell each one of them that the problems that they have are not meant to stop the work. He gives problems to call our parts of ourself that are sleeping or if we do have them, then they are not as strong as they need to be. ( If that wasn't the case it wouldnt be a trial right?) He sends us problems to challenge us to become better. The spirit then told me to find a scirpture in Romans 8- (for the sufferings at this present moment are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be REVEALED IN us). It was a very special moment for me to have the spirit talk to me like that. It was amazing to be the answers to peoples prayers. The church is true!

Its hard to bear your testimony on que, or I guess prhase it, but here it goes.

It all comes back to the Savior. I know that the Savior lives and that He loves me and that he is my friend. All the hard things in life are hard because I have forgotten about that relationship. He wants me to be happy. I know that if we live worthy of the Holy Ghost then the Holy Ghost will guide us in ALL things that we need. I have a complete testimony of prayer that it works. I have never been let down once. I know that God does know who I am, and as long as I remember who I am then life is so much easier. Also when I remember who everyone else is in that light love becomes so much easier. When we see others thet way that Jesus sees them then it becomes a lot harder to hate them. I know that this church is the true church of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ does live and he guides the church through his prophet. The atonement of Jesus Christ is real, and that is the foundation of my life. No matter what happens in this life I know that Jesus loves me and knows what I am going through and I can repent and do better.

The church is true!

Love ya Dana!

March 06, 2009

February 21, 2009

Hola familia! from Elder Terry

Hola familia!

How is life going dear family? Life is going pretty well for me here at the MTC. Learnin a ton and dominating this spanish thing, ha ha not really but its coming a lot much better than expected. Yesterday my whole district (about 8 other elders) went the whole day without speaking any english. It helps a lot that way so we can see what we need to work on.

Ty and Trev thanks for your letters, its fun getting them and seeing what you guys are up to. Ty have you built a butler robot yet? Trev is it pretty cool having shorter hair?

So a pretty funny story. I was happy to see that I had recieved about 5 dearelder letters, so I was pretty stoked. I opened them all...and 4 out of 5 of them were addressed to Jake Terry...even tho the front had my name on it. I was like "what the..."sad huh? It took me a while to figure out they were not to me...I was like I don't really know who these people are! I've been gone for a month and you forgot my name!? ha ha :) the icing on the top was their mom's name is Joyce I was like really mom, you forgot my name already? :) chiste (joke) So if you do send dearelder letters and I dont mention them that is why.

Oh, FYI everyone here is named Elder Terry...its nuts. They are everywhere! By far the most common name here, which is really wierd because I never really knew many other Terry's in highschool and all that jazz. Some from California, Idaho, and Nevada.

Oh behalf of Stanly I would like to thank everyone who was involved in his selling. He will be missed, however he has served his purpose. I hope you saved the License Plate.

Elder Ballard came to speak to us last Tuesday! It was really good. He talked about how we need to have a positive attitute, and a lot of other great things. IT was amazing you could feel he was there before he you actually saw him.

Hmm, another funny story. my companion and another roomate talk in there sleep. The other night my companion yells "thats right!" and rolls over to go back to was so funnY! The other one just moans in his sleep, but its still super funny.

With the Referal Center I talked to a lady for an hour and a half! It was a great talk and she agreed to have another appointment for saturday! We prayed over the phone together and she agreed to read some of the Book of Mormon before then. It is all about the Book of Mormon, everything that we believe rests on wheter its the truth. Nothing else. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith talked to God and everything after that is what He told them.

Today they started handing out our light sabers, Ty and Trev, I'll send back the pictures...they are super fun to play around with. I also am learning how to walk on walls. cool huh?

Dana and Jon,
Whats new in your life? How is work and all of that jazz? any fun stories?

Spence and Kimmy,
What have you guys been up too? How is the selling of the house coming? Give Miss C and Mr my best :)

Jue and Paul,
Hola fertile myrtle :) Are you guys getting so excited for the BABY! I'm stoked for you. I bet he will be stinkin cute and full of personality. Tell Madi hi for me!

Whatcha up to? painting and all that done with? Stay away from the starch!

How is the cleaning going? Hope everything is going well with you! Love ya!

I'll write grandma and grandpa Terry

Mom can you send me Grandma and Grandpa Mill's Address?

I have realized that I have not been adding quotes, but I have been thinking of a ton.

1st one: Everyman in someway is my superior
2nd one: Know this that man is free, to chose his life and what he'll be
3rd one: Yo quiro Taco Bell (that ones for you Jon and Trev :) ) I laughed forever
4th one: Do or Do not, there is no try -Yoda

Love you all and hope everything is going well!

P.S. Please forward this to everyone

February 15, 2009

Hola! from Elder Terry

Hola Spence and Kimmy!

Yeah life is going well at the MTC, the thing we say is the days feel like
weeks and the weeks feel like days. Have you ever felt like that?

This week feels like it has flown by! The thing is we do so much of the
same thing every day that it is hard to distinguish days. We learn a lot
everyday, but its just hard to seperate what happened when and all that.

Aprendo espanllol muy bueno. (I am learning spanish very well!) We spend a
lot of our day doing that, its crazy how if it were anything else we would
all be going crazy, but for some reason we have the ability to sit through
12 hours of class ever day.

So this week I have helped a few college students work on their research
papers. It is pretty cool. I had a lot of fun.

Ha ha ha, so I had a way awkard moment this week tho.

So all while we have been here there are a few elders that like to flirt
with the sister missionaries, which is strongly disadvised (it annoys the
sisters and it distracts from the real reason why we are here.) so during
priesthood meeting then two elders get up to share a thought from the White
Handbook (mission rules) and say today we are going to talk about flirting.

I just busted out laughing...hard core. I thought of all the times the
elders were flirtiing and how much we would tease them about it.

So it came out loud and there were probably three seconds of complete
silence. And I'm thinking...Oh no...what have I done...:)

Luckly everyone else laughed too. It was way funny but very awkward.

So my companion is something of a rebellious spirit and does not like
folowing rules. I am the senior companion and when I ask him to do
something or tell him we shouldn't do that he gets all aggressive about
that. So I made a plan! I challenge him to a game of rock paper scissors
every time he wants to break the rules.

The Lord hasn't let me lose once ;) funny huh?!

When you guys get a chance in your life you should send me letters on, its easier that way because we only get thirty min to be
online every week because of the vast amount of missionaries here and it is
hard to type letters and read the ones sent. Plus its fun to get letters
throughout the week!

I'm stoked to speak spanish with you guys when I come back!

Hope life is going well and will you please forward this to everyone in the

Love ya a lot!

Elder Terry

February 13, 2009

Hola! from Elder Terry

hey Jue! Thanks for the letters! They are the highlight of the day!

Sorry about the Kidney infection :( and everything is still good with Tanner right?

Yes! i'm stoked to get letters from you guys! How is madi doing? I bet she is learning like crazy.

Hope everything goes well!

February 07, 2009

Hola! from Elder Terry

Dana! And family!

How is life going for everyone? Life is going well for me! So pretty much I only have twenty min to type this bad boy, so enjoy! So just to fill you all in on what I have been going through

My companion and I are total opposites. Its very funny. He never smiles, and our senses of humor are very different. For the past three weeks I have been babysitting, because he thinks that there are some rules that arn't important, and leaving meetings and all that is ok. For the first two weeks he slept through every class and meeting, it was impressive. Turns out he has mono tho...haha! Other than that life is going well, I figure that the Lord knows I know how to teach and the doctrine pretty well, so I got a practical lesson.

The food is sooooo good. We have chicken cordon bleu, amazing salads, french toast, waffles, every cereol imagionable. Its like a buffet. The only bad part, is that they jam pack the food full of vitamins, mostly i'll let you figure that out. Ha ha its delicious. I think I have actually lost a pound, and I eat three plates a meal.

Our teachers are the best people I think I have ever met. They got off their mission about a year ago, and they are so cool. Hermono Bahr is super smiley and gives us hugs everytime we see him. Hermana Bott is the same way. Its amazing how fast we are all picking up Spanish. By the second day we could all pray in spanish and all that. Its amazing how the Lord helps us all out.

So here is my typical schedual:
Wake up at 6:25-shower and shave and all that
Go to class at 7:00-read the Book of Mormon and think about what I need to learn
8:00 is breakfast-yum (today I had waffles and pineapple with yogurt!)
9:00 till 1:00 we have class
1:00 is lunch
1:45 is Gym (it changes every day) Four square is so intense!
3:00 we go back to class till about six.
6:00 we go to dinner
6:45-9:00 we kind of have free time to study what we think we need to study for that day, practice a lesson, and all that jazz.

It sounds really rough, but its not so bad. For the most part everyone is there for the right reasons and it makes it a lot easier to get through the day, because we want to be there! So when I first got here, I don't know if this is the Chosen Mission or what. As arrogant as it sounds, everyone was better at something than me, I felt so inadequate. They knew scriptures, better leaders, and all this other jazz. We are going to tear it up in Merida thats for sure!

So there is something called the RC (for the referal center) where people call in after seeing church comercials or wanting free bibles or Books of Mormon. So my first time on it...I get this guy who calls who asks for a prayer. The poor guy was just bawling. I was like uhhh...this is my first me! the beauty of it tho is they let you help yourself. Turns out this guy just lost his job, his wife just left him for some guy who was a self proclaimed witch (wiken church?). I asked where his wife was so perhaps we could send some missionaries by, because her son is on a mission right now and she has a daughter at BYU, and he said that they ran away together. It was a crazy story. He had just joined the church too. The spirit came over me tho and I told him that if he would fast, and not eat untill dinner time the next day, and read from the Book of Mormon, than I promised him he would find an answer to his prayer. Crazy story! It feels like I have been here forever, but it doesn't seem that long. Its a very wierd feeling. hahahhahahahah,

Dude I loved that fish!! It made all of us laugh forever, it was great. Thank you! Sometimes we are studying for a long time or something, and then we just break down and laugh for about 10 min for no real reason. Its Crazy!

Love you guys a ton! Sorry I could not write back soon. We are only supposed to do it on Friday, and I decided I better keep all the rules :)

That room sounds sweet! Send pictures!

Letters are like candy here in the MTC!

All in all its really great. I am having a lot of fun and have met some really cool people. I have grown a lot too! Hope everything is good with you!

Trev and Ty, write me a letter dangit! :) ha ha ha, Tal you use your best judgement and think of something to do.

Dana will you send this to everyone in the family? Thanks!

February 02, 2009

First letter from Elder T

Hello family!

So, first day at the MTC. Ha??? it has been a long day! But I am doing good. Just lots of stuff to take in for one day.

My companions name is Elder Schwantes, he is cool.

So after we left we went althrough? a long procession of likes asking me questions and all that jazz. Turns out I needed a Typhoid shot. Cost $$53. I guess all the new elders going to Mexico need it.

My new district are all new missionaries like me. About 10 Elders in all..

The food was really good! Steak, mash potatoes, and ice cream. Very tasty. I saw a lot of my friends from High School.

So the schedual is pretty rigorous, kind of overwhelming but all will be well.

They wanted us to send a letter our first day because it’s a rule to send one once a week.

Love ya!

Elder Terry

P.S. Please share w/everyone else!

January 21, 2009

It's official....

Elder Jason Terry entered the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah on January 21, 2009; along with a bunch of other new missionaries.

January 20, 2009

Romans 8:35-39

35) Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36) As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37) Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39) Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Alma 29:9-10

9) I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.
10) And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.